Airborne team ready for South Pole; Ice coring team starting Blue Ice Drill
This week was a busy one, where taking advantage of beautiful weather we completed the full up testing of our instruments and declared readiness for survey.

Ice Coring Continues at Allan Hills; Airborne Team Ready for Test Flights
The Eclipse drilling in the Cul de Sac begain again, and as of this past weekend the team had reached 73 m.

Airborne team preparing instruments for installation, Allan Hills ice coring team working through technical issues
This week, the two COLDEX teams, one at the South Pole and one at Allan Hills, each made important progress while working through various challenges.

First ice cores of the season drilled
It has been a busy week for COLDEX at Allan Hills! After an initial put-in team arrived at the site last Friday (Nov 17), camp structures were erected in between high winds and low temperatures with wind chills in the -50C range.
COLDEX’s second field season is underway!
The COLDEX I-187 Allan Hills team has spent the last 10 days or so working through the required trainings in McMurdo Station that then allow them to move on to establishing the shallow ice core drilling camp at Allan Hills.

Project Ice: A New AMS-COLDEX Summer Enrichment Course for Teachers
I can say with some authority that the majority of us were stunned by the level of information that can be gleaned from a careful study of the ice core record.

Unpacking Ice
Earlier this year in June, a group of scientists of varying career stages from six different institutions arrived at National Science Foundation Ice Core Facility (NSF-ICF), Lakewood, Colorado for two weeks. The goal? To unbox, unpack, process, and cut Antarctic ice cores drilled from the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area in 2022-2023 and earlier field seasons for a multitude of different measurements.

COLDEX 2022-2023 Antarctic Field Season: End of Season Summary
A team of eight people – camp manager, two ice core drillers, five scientists – spent nearly 6 weeks at the Allan Hills blue ice area from December 2022 into early January 2023. They recovered two ice cores. One is a large-diameter (9.5”) borehole to 96 m depth at a site where 2.7 million year old ice has been previously recovered.