COLDEX 2022-23 Field Season is Complete!
All three COLDEX research teams have successfully completed their 2022-2023 field seasons.

Shallow ice core drilled at Elephant Moraine; South Pole surveys continue
The Elephant Moraine trip was a success, recovering a 9 meter ice core at this site where previous samples taken by Korean colleagues indicate ice dating to between 400,000 and 1,000,000 years old.

Allan Hills groups back in McMurdo, airborne radar team continues flights to Dome A region from South Pole Station
Allan Hills groups back in McMurdo, airborne radar team continues flights to Dome A region from South Pole Station

Radar surveys in progress; first ice core complete
All COLDEX teams send thoughts of peace and happiness to all for the holidays, and are grateful to have everyone’s support both on the ice and back home.

Ice core drilling is underway
By Thursday December 15, drilling with the large-diameter Blue Ice Drill (BID) already reached 50 meters depth.

A great week of progress for COLDEX teams
COLDEX projects have made steady progress this week.
Happy Antarctica Day! Allan Hills crew heading to camp
All COLDEX teams now are present in McMurdo, with only two team members remaining off continent but joining us soon.

Progress for all three COLDEX field teams
With the full I-165 team arriving in MCM this week, we’ve made much progress moving toward put-in of the shallow ice coring camp at Allan Hills.